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The Fairfield Hills Authority held a Regular Meeting on Wednesday, May 18, 2011 in the meeting room at the Cyrenius H. Booth Library, Main Street, Newtown, CT.  John Reed called the meeting to order at 7:32p.m.

Present:  John Reed, John Madzula, Jim Bernardi, Andy Willie, Ross Carley, Brian White, Renata Adler (New Member) and Mike Holmes.
Absent:  John Madzula

Also Present:  Maria DeMarco, (DeMarco Management), and one member from the press.

Public Participation:  No Public Participation.

Welcome:  At this time John Reed took the time to thank Renata Adler for joining the Fairfield Hills Authority.

Acceptance of the Minutes:  Andy Willie made a motion to accept the minutes from the April 28, 2011 Authority Meeting.  Brian White seconded the motion.  

Correction to the Minutes from April 28, 2011:  Mike Holmes and John Madzula’s were appointed to development and implement an RFP for a broker for the Fairfield Hills Campus within a 90 day time frame.

At this time a vote to accept the minutes was taken and it was passed unanimously.

Mike Holmes wanted to assure Mr. Carley that, if he so desired, there was a spot for him on the sub-committee.  Mr. Carley confirmed that he would still like to be involved.  

First Selectman:  John Reed informed the Authority that First Selectman Llodra would not be attending this month’s meeting but will be coming to the next Authority meeting with an update.

Broker:  John Reed also informed the Authority that Mike Struna, the Real Estate Broker for the Fairfield Hills Campus would not be in attendance and that there was nothing new to report.  

Property Manager:  Maria DeMarco (DeMarco Management) gave an overview of her monthly report.  Ms. DeMarco on except one item of interest, her meeting with Officer Mary Helen McCarthy through all they have come to the conclusion that the only way to really complete this task is install hard wired lighting in the dark areas of the campus.  

The suggestion is that Cochran House, Canaan House and Norwalk House being lit up as much as possible with Cochran being the number one priority.  

Motion:  At this time a motion was made by Andy Willie authorizing Maria DeMarco to proceed with the installation of security lighting on Cochran House with temporary utility poles.  The motion was seconded by Ross Carley.

Brian White asked if this could be done with trenching instead of use a temporary pole.  

Ms. DeMarco stated that trenching with conduit would be the best way to do this but is cost prohibitive.

A vote was taken to accept the motion.  The motion carried with a vote of 6 – 0.

Financial:  Ms. DeMarco informed the Authority that the Director of Finance is going to break-down the electricity expenditures from the Town Ball-field and the Newtown Youth Academy Parking Lot and charge them to the correct department budgets.

Old Business:  John Reed informed the Authority that he was in receipt of a letter from the Newtown  Volunteer Ambulance Association with a request that their environmental consultants be given access to the White Staff Houses - #50/51/52 for remediation testing.

Ross Carley asked if anyone would be escorting the consultants.  

Maria DeMarco recommended that she work with the consultants to make sure everything gets done correctly.

Motion:  Andy Willie made a motion that the Newtown Volunteer Ambulance Association be given access to the White Staff Houses # 50, 51 and 52 to complete the lab testing for future remediation of those houses at the expense of the Newtown Volunteer Ambulance Association.  The motion was seconded by Ross Carley.  The motion carried unanimously.  

Broker Agreement:  At this time John Reed brought up for discussion the previous Board of Selectman’s meeting that voted and passed on the 90 day extension of the Broker Agreement.  Dr. Reed informed the Authority that he has been invited to a future Board of Selectman’s meeting to clarify the details of the Request for Proposal for the Broker’s Agreement.  In the article two thoughts came to light:
        One, that the Authority remind the Broker that he is not an advocate for the possible purchaser  and;
Two, that there is not a chance that the Broker would be paid by the two parties involved with any development deal on the Fairfield Hills Campus. Mr. Struna has been informed of these points articulated by the Board of Selectmen members and understands them.

New Business:  John Reed gave a quick overview of the sub-committee meeting to discuss the possible contents of a lease agreement between the Town of Newtown and the Newtown Volunteer Ambulance Association (NVAA).  

Election of Officers:  John Reed wanted to bring to everyone’s attention that the Election of Officers for the Fairfield Hills Authority will be on next month’s Agenda and encouraged the members consider becoming chairman.

Adjournment:  Jim Bernardi made a motion to adjourn.  Ross Carley seconded the motion.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.